Run Jerusalem Run

By: Drew Fidler

Last week, I had a surreal experience. I went to see my brother-in-law’s brother run the Jerusalem Night 10K (ריצת לילה בירושלים). It was a crisp night with a completely clear sky. I could not help but marvel at the spectacle of this historic location combined with such a modern day occurrence. The full moon was bright and it shined magnificently against the Jerusalem stonewalls of the old city and the Jaffa Gate as a thousand runners from 13 to 80 stood ready and waited for the race to start. As music pumped loudly in the background, I could not help but stare at the magnificent site in front of me. It was one of those moments when you realize just how special Jerusalem is and can be.

In Jerusalem, layers of stone and history back drop every ordinary moment. In the daily hustle and bustle of life, you can forget why this place transfixes and mesmerizes visitors and locals of every age. However, every now and again you have a moment that reminds you of the magnitude of this place: the historical power and magnificence that lies within the walls to the Old City and the cobblestone streets. It is amazing how one city can be so graceful and commanding all at once. Some people call it Holy, others call it awe-inspiring, for me it is simply breathtaking and I revel in the privilege to get to live here and experience these moments.

Unfortunately, I did not have my camera with me, thats the frustrating part about these moments they just sort of sneak up on you, so the pictures that I do have are all from a cell phone. However, I think they still get the point across. Enjoy the pictures below, and mazel tov to Jamie Metzl who won a pillow for coming in first in his age group!!!

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